6 Million LinkedIn Password was broken by Hacker

LinkedIn users data was successfully broken by hackers and has been published to the internet. LinkedIn officially said that there are more than six million passwords users that was broken. Hackers published the file that contain key code and password into a Russia web forum. They invited the hacker community to help use that key code.

LinkedIn, which has more than 150 million users, said the leaked password is no longer usable. All users will receive an e-mail with instructions to change the password, said LinkedIn. They will receive a second e-mail with details on why the change was necessary.

Concerns about Privacy

The news comes as the LinkedIn applications are forced to update their mobile application after security researchers found some privacy flaw. Skycure Security said that mobile application sends calendar data without the password to LinkedIn server unbeknownst to users.

That information includes meeting notes, which often contain information such as phone numbers and several key codes for conference calls.

LinkedIn answers, the application will no longer send data from your calendar section of a memorandum of the meeting.The company also stressed that the calendar function is a feature option.

However, the researchers who found the flaw, said transmission data to the LinkedIn server performed without clear indication of the application to the user.

In a statement published on the company blog, the Head of Mobile Product LinkedIn, Jeff Redfern said more information was added to the application so the users will get a clearer picture of the transmission and the use of their information.


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