Foursquare Users Reached 20 Million Users

Do you know about Foursquare? This is a location-based social networking website for mobile devices, such as smartphones. Users usually can "check in" at venues using text messaging, website or a device-specific application by selecting from a list of venues the application locates nearby. Some time ago, Foursquare is rumored to sink. But that's not entirely true. Foursquare is now even able to penetrate 20 million users.

Indeed the growth of users Foursquare is very slow if we compare it with the first year or second year of its launch. But in the third year, Foursquare is able to experience surge of up to five million users. Foursquare and the total number of users even now to 20 million.

On 16 April, Foursquare gave badges or insignia to anyone who check in at any location. This badge was named 4sqDay. Number 16 has special meaning for Foursquare, because its means four square (4*4). In December 2012 and Foursquare announced if the total users has touched the figure of 15 million .

Foursquare growth tends to be very slow. It even just added 10 million users next year intervals. In the third year only added five million users only. If it be compared with Instagram, Foursquare is far behind Instagram. Instagram capable making 40 million users just in two years.

But Foursquare has remained popular as the application of massive check-in that is used by Internet users (mobile) around the world. This is proved in the last two years, because there are two billion check-in with an average of 100 check-ins per user.

"Thanks to 20 million members that has made us a part of your life," the message was written on the badge 4sqDay.


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