Social Media especially social networking have a lot of benefits. In addition to friendship and communication media, social networks are often used to market our business. Not a few marketers who looked at social media as a tool for corporate and brand marketing strategy. They realized if social media has a powerful effect, represented by twitter tweet and Facebook status updates.
Wingsplay is a startup that tries to combine social media and business. There are two benefits if you use Wingsplay. The first is for owners of social networking accounts, and the second for advertisers. With Wingsplay social networking you can also earn some income. As account owner, you can sponsored ads on social networks.
The ads comes from advertisers. And you are who spreading the ads in your personal social networks can obtain benefits from the deployment of these ads. In short, Wingsplay can change your social network into money machine.
"Advertising is the most effective way is to spread the link anywhere. But the link on social networking becomes concern, because its represents a lot of people recommendation, "said Olivier Lasry, Wingsplay creator.
Wingsplay method of disseminating advertisements do not just as content link. This content will be in video too.
"Advertising that is pinned via hidden link is dominated by spam. The market was bored with the old method. Video would be more interesting than having to read the ads," added Olivier Lasry.
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