Facebook is trying to patent three words; Book, Face, and Wall

Facebook is trying to patent the three words : Book, Face, and Wall as their property. Social network website that have a billion users are secretly pinned the three words as a small clause in the consent agreement page. Thus Facebook seeks to protect those three words to be used by another party in the future.

"You can not use our copyrights or trademarks , including Facebook, logo, poke, book, face, and wall," as written on the agreement.

Previously Facebook also has patented at least 70 other trademarks, which are F, F8, Friendfeed, and Facebook Ads.

And if potential Facebook user agree, then they legally have agreed terms and the use of Facebook, including the trademark. Wired reported that recently a company called myEworkBook been rejected when he applied for a patent. Does it because contain the word Book as known iidentical with Facebook? Another example, in August 2010 ago, Facebook had sued a company called Teachbook. Facebook said if the use of words in the company very similar with Facebook and can be identified as a product or service from Facebook.


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