Microsoft: Chrome Defeat Internet Explorer? That is misleading

Internet browser market competition is quite fierce, earlier reports said that Google's browser, Chrome has beat the "king" of Internet Browser market share, Internet Explorer. Statistical data on browser market share lead to positive and negative views of various parties, especially about the validity of the data and the reaction of browser developers. Many have commented positive and negative to browser user statistics that published by StatCounter, as well as Microsoft, the creator of Internet Explorer browser.

Microsoft says that the data generated StatCounter is not true and misleading. Microsoft argued that the calculation of market share by StatCounter is based solely of the users without considering geoweighting.
Reportedly, StatCounter do the calculation by consider the features of Google prerendering which allegedly resulted in heavier data point to Google Chrome.

In February, the prerendering market share was calculated 4.3 percent. Microsoft believes that the available data should be weighed by the number of internet population. Different data was presented by NetApplications about browser market share, but NetApplications have problems to show the detail of data. NetApplications declined to comment on this.

As quoted from TomsHardware, similar to NetApplications, StatCounter also have problems that also cause a variety of positive responses and criticism. While Mozilla and Google were more reticent in responding to the news on browser market share.


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